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Subject Leader: Mrs G Varney

Art at Coppice Performing Arts School is taught to all students in years 7 – 8 and as an option at KS4. Students are grouped in mixed ability sets. Studying Art is an opportunity to be creative, to appreciate and look at the visual world around us, develop different styles of art work and respond to starting points in a personal way.

Art at Coppice gives you the chance to develop not only your technical art skills, such as drawing and painting, but to explore the use of a wide range of media.

Learning Environment & Resources

The Art department is housed in the Creative Zone. There are two Art teaching rooms equipped with a range of specialised equipment including 12 desktop computers. In common with the rest of the school, both teaching rooms have interactive white boards. There are currently three Art teachers who teach across the age range from Year 7 to Year 11. A range of art work is exhibited in both Classrooms and within the Creative Zone.

Students explore a range of topics, approaches and techniques. The breadth offered at KS3 is designed to give pupils a firm basis in their use of media, their selection of techniques and their response to the work of others in preparation for GCSE. Year 7 & 8 students have one lessons of Art per week.  Each Year group has one project each term designed to focus on specific skills for that unit, work also includes regular homework to support the learning in class.

Students in years 9 and 11 have the opportunity to follow the OCR GCSE Art course or the Edexcel BTec Art course. Both courses consist of three lessons each week. The Art department’s KS4 programme of study develops independent working practice with an equal balance of teacher and student-lead projects. We equip students with appropriate skills and knowledge of the work of others, while also giving them the freedom to realise their personal intentions.

Post 16 students have the opportunity to study for the Edexcel Level 3 BTec Art and Design (Fine art) qualification. An ‘A’ level course in Art is offered at our local consortium partner school.

Teaching staff are available at after school coursework sessions four nights a week (Mon – Thurs) after school for Students in years 10 and 11. These sessions allow students to catch up on work missed or to refine their coursework. Lunchtime sessions are also held in CR3 for KS3 Homework help, KS4 coursework help or to support students currently studying Post 16 courses at our local consortium partner school.

Year 9 Art Club is held on Thursday evening’s in CR4 with Mrs Eva. Topics covered support the learning in lesson. Art Club is designed to develop higher ability skills for students wanting to study Art at GCSE level.

Learning Journey