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Governors Information

Coppice Performing Arts Schools Local Governing Body (LGB) is accountable to the Trust’s Board of Directors and is under the direction of the Executive Headteacher.

The core focus of the LGB is the business of their pupils’ attainment and progress. If you would like more information about the structure of the LGB and what it is responsible for within the CLPT you can find more information on the CLPT site, found here.

Chair of Governors for Coppice: Mr. Mark Taylor (

NameCategoryTerm of OfficeRegister of Business Interests 2019/20Other Governance Roles
Mr T ChiraraCo-opted Governor11/10/2021 – 11/10/2025 NilLeading Parent Partnership
Miss Amy EvansStaff Governor01/09/2021- 31/08/2024NilLAC
Mrs Claire GilbertHeadteacherOngoingNilHead of School
Mrs Georgetta Holloway OBEExecutive Headteacher  Nil 
Mr Wayne HughesParent GovernorOngoingNilChild Protection & Safeguarding
Mr Martin MorrisCo-opted Governor28/09/2016 – 27/09/2024NilVice Chair
Mr Harpinder SinghParent Governor19/10/2021 –18/10/2024Nil 
Mr Doug SelkirkAppointed GovernorOngoingNilLAC
Mr Mark TaylorCo-opted Governor22/01/2023 – 21/01/2027NilPupil Premium & Chair
Mrs Gail VarneyStaff Governor03/07/2023 – 02/07/2027NilSEND/More Able