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Adverse Weather

During the winter months, there are occasions when we may experience adverse weather conditions.

The safety of our students and staff is of extreme importance to us during this time, as well as parents and carers travelling to drop off their child.

If the Head of School decides, in light of local circumstances, to close the school due to adverse weather – then the following procedures apply.

  1. The school will update the website within seconds of the decision,
  2. The Head of School will inform the designated officer at the Local Authority and the information will be posted on the “Wolverhampton Today” Facebook page and the Wolverhampton City Council Twitter feed by the designated Local Authority Officer,
  3. The news will be published on the school Twitter account.
  4. The school will also send out a text message to all parents/carers
  5. Radio stations will be informed of the decision, although this may take a while to be announced or find its way onto their own websites.