End of Term
As we approach the end of term, we are proud to say students remain focused and are working extremely hard. Well done to all our students, staff, and you as parents and carers for your support in ensuring your child is always prepared and ready to learn.
We would like to congratulate our Year 11 students for their superb conduct during their recent mock exams. Students’ behaviour was outstanding throughout the exam period and many staff have commented on the attitude and dedication shown through their studies and revision. It is important that students become experienced at managing the exam period so that their results reflect their ability. We need to ensure that our Year 11 students do not lose this momentum and continue to prepare for the summer examinations. Year 11 have been given personalised examination timetables for the summer examination period. If there are any errors, they must report this to the examination office as soon as possible.
At Coppice, we pride ourselves on our educational opportunities; this term has been no exception. We have seen our students accessing some amazing experiences, including Theatre trips, Skills Show for our Year 10 students and also the Auschwitz visit for Sixth Form students. Our staff work extremely hard in organising these visits; our sincere thanks to them for providing students with these opportunities.
End of Term Arrangements
School will close to students on Friday 12th April at 3:00pm. School re-opens on Monday 29th April at 8:40am for all students.
We are Coppice!
We are extremely proud of our Coppice Community and our student achievements. We have worked very hard to establish the new systems and structures and students have responded positively, respecting our school expectations and the standards we expect. For this to continue to be effective, we need your ongoing support with the following:
Visible Learners
Coppice students are determined to be successful; therefore, it is essential they take a greater responsibility for their learning, ensuring they are equipped to take an effective part in all lessons. This includes bringing a suitable school bag every day, having their student planners with them daily and bringing all required equipment.
Attendance and Punctuality
Attendance is generally very good and continues to improve with an increased number of students attaining over 96% and some having 100% attendance. Good attendance will impact positively on your child’s academic performance. Punctuality to school and lessons is also key and important. All students should be on site at 8:40am for the morning session and afternoon registers are taken at 1:40pm.
We ask all students to continue to look incredibly smart and wear their school uniform with pride. Please refer to previous letters, the uniform policy and school website for specific details, especially regarding appropriate black school shoes.
Mobile phones
To ensure the correct learning environment is present at Coppice, during the summer term we will be reviewing our policy around the use of mobile phones on the school premises. We will consult with parents/carers and students over the coming weeks to create a new policy.
As you are aware, there is very little space available at the front of the school site. In the interest of the safety of students, we would ask that if you do bring or collect your child from school, you ensure that the roads immediately adjacent to the school are not blocked, and that access is maintained for residents.
School Website and Twitter
Please refer to the school website for additional details and regular updates. In addition, our Twitter account will also keep you updated with our latest news and upcoming events.
A school building is not just a collection of bricks and mortar but the values and the culture that exists within it. Thank you to everyone for your collective responsibility in ensuring that our positive ethos continues to inspire students to ‘Dream, Believe and Achieve.’
On behalf of the governing body, we would like to wish our students and families a restful Easter break.