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Invest in People - Silver Invest in People - Silver

Psychology A-Level

Entry Requirements

Minimum Grade 5 GCSE in English Maths and Psychology. Mininum Grade 5 in KS4 (if taken)

Who is it for?

Psychology is the study of human behaviour. We look at the different research methods used in the discipline before moving on to examine key studies in detail. The course will provide a good grounding in classic and current psychological theories and is ideal for anyone looking for a career working with people

Course Structure

Component 1: Research methods
Component 2: Psychological themes through core studies
Component 3: Applied Psychology

In first year students will learn about the five main approaches in Psychology – cognitive, social, developmental, physiological and individual differences – and the two main perspectives – psychodynamic and behaviourist. They will also receive a thorough grounding in the main research methodologies -experiments, observations, self-reports and correlation.

In Year 13 students will learn to apply their knowledge of Psychology to the real world as they study both ForensicPsychology and Environment Psychology. They will also explore the history and debates surrounding Mental Health issues.


Students will be assessed by 3 examinations at the end of Year 13.

University Pathways

Suitable for a wide range of university courses, including:

  • Psychology
  • Law
  • Business
  • Sociology
  • Social Work/ Social Policy
  • Management
  • Journalism.

Career Opportunities

  • Occupational Psychologist
  • Educational
  • Psychologist
  • Sports Psychologist
  • Teaching
  • Police
  • Social Work
  • Management or any career dealing with people.