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NCS – National Citizen Service Trip

Wednesday, April 5th 2022 – Weston-super-Mare

Over 100 Year 13 Central Sixth students from Heath Park, Moseley Park and Coppice travelled to Weston super Mare on Wednesday this week with NCS – National Citizen Service.
They took part in a community litter pick along the promenade and beachfront before independently exploring the town and local amenities. It was so rewarding to see our students interacting with local people and enjoying the responsibility of an opportunity to explore a totally unfamiliar town. As well as enjoying the attractions of the Grand Pier, many of our students chose to visit the local museum.

A few members of the public personally thanked our students for giving back to the local community during their litter pick, whilst others stopped us to say how polite and helpful our youngsters were. We couldn’t have been prouder; our sixth formers were a credit to themselves and to their schools.