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GCSE & A level Drama Devised Performance Exams

The Year 10 GCSE and Year 12 A level Devised performance examinations are on Thursday 23rd May, these are official examinations which count towards the student’s qualifications:

Year 10 GCSE performances start at 4pm. The final piece presented at 6pm is by the Year 12 AS Drama and Theatre students.  If your child studies Drama in Year 10 they must arrive to school as normal on the day of the exam and attend their usual timetabled lessons until break time. After break they need to make their way to the Drama studio and they will have the rest of the day to rehearse their work ready for examination. They must have their costume and props (or design items if a designer) on the day and enough food to last them until the performances end at approximately 6:30pm.

If your child is in Year 12 they must go straight to the theatre after signing in during form and will have the whole day to rehearse ready for examination. If your child is in Year 9, 11 or 13 and studies Drama; we would like them to come along and watch the performances to support their peers and gain inspiration through watching some live theatre.

Thank you for encouraging them to take up this free opportunity – they need to be at the theatre from 4-6:30pm on Thursday 23rd May. Parents, friends and family of the performers are very welcome to attend the performances, we hope you will be able to attend the whole evening from 4pm but we will allow extra audience members into the theatre during the interval around 5:30 – 6pm for those of you who may not be able to attend the earlier performances.

Any questions please contact