Curriculum Area Leader: Mrs J Thomas
Humanities is the study of History and Geography. All students at Coppice Performing Arts School study Humanities during Years 7 and 8. Sets are mixed ability.
Learning Environment & Resources
The Humanities Department is situated within the Communications Zone and has four teaching rooms and an open plan teaching area. Within the Humanities teaching area is one laptop trolley with laptop computers. In common with other areas of the school, all Humanities teaching rooms have interactive white boards.
Key Stage 3
In Years 7 and 8, Geography and History are compulsory. Currently, 1 period each week is allocated to Geography and History.
In Geography, themes covered include ecosystems, e.g. rainforests, world population growth, energy issues, travel and tourism and natural hazards. Alongside these there are skills based units which further develop key geographical skills.
In History, units of work are studied about British History, namely religious change, major events, relationships within the UK and persecution. Other units include conflicts in the 20th and 21st Centuries, the impact of the World Wars and the Holocaust.
Key Stage 4
History and Geography are both available as an option at Key Stage 4 with students studying their chosen subject for two lessons each week. Students choosing History follow the GCSE Edexcel course and will be taught units on Medicine from Medieval Times to the Modern Day, The American West, Henry VIII and his Ministers and Germany from 1918-1939.
In Years 9 to 11 geography students follow the OCR (A) course. In both courses Students have the opportunity to explore aspects of both physical and human Geography. Fieldwork is a necessary part of both courses.
Post 16
At post-16, History is offered, following the OCR syllabus. In Year 12 students study Dictatorships in Germany up to 1963 and the early Tudors. In Year 13 they study American Civil Rights up to 1994 and complete coursework.