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Health & Social Care

Subject Leader: Miss Parrino

Teachers: Miss Mason & Mrs Pickering

Health and Social Care is offered at Coppice Performing Arts School to all students in Key Stage 4 and 5. The department provides students with the opportunity to explore a vocational area that gives them an opportunity to find out about different health and social care settings and the world of work, while keeping open their ability to continue further studies and higher education.

Learning Environment & Resources

The Health and Social Care Department is situated within the Communications Zone and is fully equipped with exclusive access to computers and laptops.

Schemes of work are designed to enable staff to regularly review progress through formative and summative assessments and provide appropriate feedback, to ensure all students reach their potential.

In common with the rest of the school, all teaching areas have interactive whiteboards. The school network allows both students and teachers to access an extensive range of teaching materials for use during lessons or for private study. Students can also access their feedback and tracking information in order to enable them to identify their own progress whilst being able to identify areas of improvement. The department is fully committed to developing student’s ability to be responsible for their own learning through the promotion of independent learning.

The BTEC Tech Award in Health and Social Care is part of a 3 year course which is equivalent of one GSCE graded at a pass, merit or distinction.

Year 9 BTEC Tech Award in Health and Social Care

During this year students carry out a vocational program involving a range of topics. This work will be assessed through topic tests and support students learning of many key concepts in health and social care. Skills learnt during this year will give students the opportunity to build their confidence in understanding the sector, vocational contexts and vocational attributes over a longer period during the course of study before they are assessed in year 10 and 11.

Year 10 BTEC Tech Award in Health and Social Care

During this year students will complete two of the three components;

Component 1: Human Lifespan Development – 30% of overall grade (Pearson Set Assignment/coursework)

  • Knowledge and understanding of human growth and development
  • Knowledge and understanding of how people deal with major life events

Component 2: Health and Social Care Services and Values-30%of overall grade (Pearson Set Assignment/coursework)

  • Understand the different types of health and social care services and barriers to accessing them
  • Understand the skills, attributes and values required to give care

Year 11 BTEC Tech Award in Health and Social Care

During this year students will complete the final component of the BTEC Tech Award.

  • Component 3: Health and Wellbeing (40 % of final mark) – Exam
  • Factors that affect health and wellbeing
  • Health indicators
  • Improving Health and Wellbeing


This external assessment builds directly on Components 1 and 2 and enables learning to be brought together and related to a real-life situation. Learners are required to assess an individual’s health and wellbeing and use this to create a health and wellbeing improvement plan. The external assessment is based on a key task that requires learners to demonstrate that they can identify and use effectively an appropriate selection of skills, techniques, concepts, theories and knowledge from across the whole qualification in an integrated way.

For post 16 we offer two courses:

BTEC National Extended Certificate (Equivalent to 1 A Level)

BTEC National Diploma (Equivalent to 2 A Levels)

Both courses are graded at a pass, merit, distinction or distinction*.

Year 12 BTEC National Extended Certificate (Equivalent to 1 A Level)

During year 12, students will complete two of the four compulsory units. They will investigate how different individuals grow and develop throughout different life stages which will support them with their external examination which will take place in January. Students will then investigate the roles and responsibilities of health care professionals and the roles of organisations in the health sector which will support them with their next external examination which will take place in May. Both of these units will support their progression into year 13 where they will complete their second final two units which are coursework based.

  • Unit 1: Human Lifespan Development (External exam)
  • Unit 2: Working In Health and Social Care Meeting (External exam)

Each unit provides students with a variety of skills and knowledge that are transferable to potential careers and higher education.

Year 12 BTEC National Diploma (Equivalent to 2 A Levels)

During year 12, students will focus on completing 4 of the 8 units required to complete the course. Students will start by investigating how different individuals grow and develop throughout different life stages which will support them with their external examination which will take place in January. Students will then investigate the roles and responsibilities of health care professionals and the roles of organisations in the health sector which will support them with their next external examination which will take place in May. Students will then progress onto exploring Principles in Safe Practice where they will investigate the importance of following a duty of care along with analysing and evaluating the different ways in which health and social care workers can provide and maintain a safe working environment whilst ensuring that the health and safety of service users is considered a priority. Students will finally explore how Public Health is promoted throughout the UK and investigate how health is promoted to improve the health of the population.

  • Unit 1: Human Lifespan Development (External exam)
  • Unit 2: Working in Health and Social Care (External exam)
  • Unit 7: Principles of Safe Practice in Health and Social Care (Internal assignment)
  • Unit 8: Promoting public health (Internal assignment)

Each unit provides students with a variety of skills and knowledge that are transferable to potential careers and higher education.

Year 13 BTEC National Extended Certificate (Equivalent to 1 A Level)

During year 13 students will cover the last two units to complete the course. Students will finally explore how different health and social care professionals can meet different individuals care and support needs. This will include developing their understanding of rights, diversity and equality and the benefits of avoiding discrimination. Students will then explore the nature of physiological disorders. They will also be able to gain knowledge about the diagnosis and treatment of these disorders. Emphasis is placed on independent learning and this is developed throughout Year 13.

  • Unit 5: Meeting Individual Care and Support Needs (Internal assignment)
  • Unit 14: Physiological Disorders and their Care (Internal assignment)

Each unit provides students with a variety of skills and knowledge that are transferable to potential careers and higher education.

Year 13 BTEC National Diploma (Equivalent to 2 A Levels)

During year 13 students will cover the remaining four units to complete the course. Learners will explore the methodologies of contemporary research and investigate the implications for health and social care practice and services to support them with their controlled assessment. Students will then explore how different health and social care professionals can meet different individuals care and support needs. This will include developing their understanding of rights, diversity and equality and the benefits of avoiding discrimination. Students will then develop their understanding of the nature of physiological disorders. They will also be able to gain knowledge about the diagnosis and treatment of these disorders. Finally, students will explore concepts of nutritional health and influences on dietary intake, and learn how to assess and improve health through nutrition plans for individuals. Emphasis is placed on independent learning and this is developed throughout Year 13.

  • Unit 4: Enquiries into Current Research in Health and Social Care (External controlled assessment)
  • Unit 5:Meeting Individual Care and Support Needs (Internal assignment)
  • Unit 14: Physiological Disorders and their Care (Internal assignment)
  • Unit 19: Nutritional Health (Internal assignment)

Each unit provides students with a variety of skills and knowledge that are transferable to potential careers and higher education.