8. Personal Guidance
Our Connexions Personal Adviser here at Coppice is Joanna Jones.
‘Qualified to Level 6 in Information, Advice and Guidance (IAG), Joanna has worked within the careers sector for over 13 years, firstly for Connexions Staffordshire, then as a Careers Advisor within two schools and now for Wolverhampton Connexions. Joanna has worked in a variety of schools and PRU’s across the city, supporting young people to explore options and opportunities, overcome barriers to progression and move onto positive destinations.’
Wolverhampton Connexions is a targeted service for young people aged 13–19 years (up to 25 years old for those with SEN) with the aim of supporting them to make positive learning transitions. It specifically targets young people with SEN and those vulnerable to making poor post-16 transitions.
Connexions advisers work with pupils in all Wolverhampton’s secondary schools, special schools and PRUs. They liaise with key members of staff in institutions to identify those students who need their help.
Connexions advisers employ a range of client-centred interventions and activities to support young people. This support is high careers information, advice and guidance focused and regularly monitored against service quality standards. Advisers are impartial in their guidance and support young people in ways that are appropriate to their individual needs and circumstances.
Connexions is a service provided by the City of Wolverhampton Council for targeted young people who live or attend secondary education provisions, within the city. It delivers the statutory responsibility placed on local authorities to provide for young people support that will ‘encourage, enable and assist’ them to remain in education and training (Section 68(4) of the Education and Skills Act, 2008).